Privacy Policy
Betacache Terms of Service
This site is an aggregator of links. Think of it as a Google for climbing beta. No videos are hosted on this site. All content is the property of the respective owners/hosts.

If you do not wish to have your videos listed on this site, you can unlist them in one of two ways:
  • Make your profile/videos private. Initially, the links will still be present but the videos will appear as broken and the links will only work based on whatever privacy setting you have on that site (for example, if set to "Followers Only", only people who happen to follow you on instagram will be able to follow the links). Your new privacy settings will then be discovered by our server and your videos will be unlisted from this site and new ones will be prevented from appearing. You can speed this process up by sending me an email notifying that you've made your videos private.
  • You can contact me with a request to remove your videos. After your identity is verified, I will unlist all your videos and prevent new videos from appearing.
Account Policy
If you choose to make an account on this site, your information will not be shared with any third parties. Additionally, no marketing or other mass emails will be sent. The account exists entirely for your own benefit. The only account activity which is tracked is when you have last logged in. This information is securely stored on our server database. No additional activity is tracked via your account. Some activity is tracked via cookies (see below), but none of it is linked to your personal account.

If you wish to have your account removed or information updated, please let me know.

This site only sees the bare minimum necessary to link one of your social accounts (GitHub, Google, or Reddit) with this site, and nothing more. We will not share your GitHub, Google, or Reddit account information with anyone.
By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies. Cookies are small bits of information stored on your computer that help to identify you to the websites you visit. All of the media sites used by Betacache (Instagram, Vimeo, and YouTube) require cookies in order to load. For information on what sort of information those cookies contain, please refer to the respective privacy policy (found below).

In addition to cookies required by those external sites, this site uses cookies to allow you to log in and do things like save videos, crags, and climbs. When you log in, a cookie is created on your computer which indicates to our site that you have successfully logged in, preventing you from having to log in again with every new session.

Lastly, we also use cookies to get information about your website experience including what device you're viewing the site on (phone, tablet, or computer), where in the world you're located, and what parts of the site you're looking at. This information is stored by Google Analytics as anonymized, aggregated data.

For more information on what cookies are, how they are used, and how you can disable/delete them, please visit You may also reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Personal Information Policy
When you use this website, we collect the following information:
  • Pages visited
  • Time spent on website
  • Referral source
  • Date and time of visit
  • Browser type
  • Device type
  • Operating system
  • IP address
  • Physical location (city or region of the world)
  • Personal information, such as your name, email address, phone number, physical address, or other identifiable information is NOT automatically collected. Your email and username may be collected if you make an account on this website, which is 100% optional.
  • If you make an account on this website, the username and email of the corresponding service (Google, Reddit, or GitHub) are required in order to allow you to log in via that service.

Google analytics stores your traffic data securly on their servers, and we store your username/email securely on ours. This information is not shared with any third parties.
The collected information is used to help us better understand how our website is being used and how we can make it better. All data is aggregated and anonymized. No personal data is ever used or shared for anything other than allowing you to log in.
We do not track your behaviors or actions on this site via your account. Google Analytics collects this data but it is not linked to your personal account.
Instagram Terms of Service
This site displays embedded Instagram videos. It does not utilize any elements of the Instagram API. By using this time, the user agrees to the Instagram Terms of Service .
Vimeo Terms of Service
This site utilizes Vimeo as a host for videos, and utilizes the Vimeo API to collect these videos and their details. By using this site, the user agrees to be bound by the Vimeo API Terms of Service .
YouTube Terms of Service
This site utilizes YouTube as a host for videos, and utilizes the YouTube API to collect these videos and their details. By using this site, the user agrees to be bound by the YouTube API Terms of Service . The user also agrees to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service and Google Terms of Service.

YouTube API is used to collect and store the following Video/User data:
  • Title
  • Description
  • Upload Date
  • Images/Thumbnails

Data is refreshed at least every 30 days to ensure accuracy and be kept up-to-date. Data that has been changed, modified, or made private is not stored in any way. The data presented on this site represents the most recent available data (within past 30 days) from the YouTube API.